Adressverzeichnis - NPO
1113 Addresses found
Wycliffe exists to serve the worldwide church, partnering with churches and individuals to make the Bible available to every people group.
Bibel & Theologie / Weltweit
The website for worship leaders & worshippers. FREE SONG, BIBLE STUDY, FEATURED ARTICLE, CONFERENCES
Evangelische Literaturmission für wenig- und unerreichte Stämme und Sprachgruppen.
Vinesong represents a team of modern-day missionaries, serving the churches across the denominations by using music as a vehicle for reaching people.
Bands & Interpreten
The Oslo Gospel Choir was founded in 1988 and has enjoyed success ever since.
Chöre & Kirchenmusik
Menschen verschiedenster Nationalitäten treffen sich in Functional English in einer speziellen Atmosphäre christlicher Gemeinschaft und haben damit eine gute Grundlage für ein effektives Sprachstudium.